Shakhawat Hossain









My Design Gallery, a curated showcase of my diverse design projects.

Each project encapsulates my commitment to innovation, user-centricity, and seamless functionality. Explore the impactful stories behind each endeavor, showcasing the breadth and depth of my design expertise.

Wireframes and Prototypes

On the Wireframe and Prototype page, delve into the backbone of my design process. Discover how I transition from strategic wireframing, laying the foundation for user flow and layout, to the dynamic stage of prototyping, bringing designs to life with interactive functionality. Witness the seamless integration of feedback loops and iterative refinements, showcasing my commitment to a user-centric UX/UI design process.

Mobile Application UI

Uncover a collection of intuitive interfaces and seamless user experiences crafted for various platforms. From user-centric navigation to visually compelling layouts, this showcase reflects my dedication to delivering cutting-edge mobile app designs that elevate functionality and user satisfaction.

Web Application UI

Embark on a journey through my ‘Web Application UI’ page, where I showcase a handpicked selection of UI screens. As an experienced UX/UI designer, I’ve meticulously designed hundreds of web application interfaces, catering to diverse projects and clients. These examples reflect my commitment to creating intuitive, user-centric designs that elevate the digital experience for a wide range of applications and industries.

Admin Dashboard UI

Delve into my expertise in UX/UI design as you explore the ‘Admin Dashboard UI’ page of my portfolio. Witness a glimpse of my vast experience through a curated selection of diverse admin dashboard UI screens. Having designed hundreds of interfaces for various projects and clients, these examples showcase the depth and versatility of my design solutions, blending functionality seamlessly with aesthetics.

3D Graphics Element

Dive into my Wireframes and Prototypes page, where the blueprint of my design process unfolds. Witness the meticulous planning and conceptualization through wireframes, and experience the interactive essence of design with prototypes.

UI Components

Uncover a collection of intuitive interfaces and seamless user experiences crafted for various platforms. From user-centric navigation to visually compelling layouts, this showcase reflects my dedication to delivering cutting-edge mobile app designs that elevate functionality and user satisfaction.


Hello Hello!

Aesthetics is my Dream, UX is my Life